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Activities for Ontario Grade 3 Science Curriculum (2022)
Expectations are in black and skills are in blue. Click on the name of the skill to practice that skill.
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3.B Life Systems – Growth and Changes in Plants
B1. Relating Science and Technology to Our Changing World
B1.1 assess ways in which plants are important to humans and other living things, taking different perspectives into consideration, and identify ways in which humans can protect native plant species and their habitats
B1.2 assess ways in which human activities have an impact on plants and plant habitats, and identify personal actions that they could take to minimize harmful effects and enhance positive ones
B1.3 assess the benefits and limitations of locally grown food
B2. Exploring and Understanding Concepts
B2.1 describe the basic needs of plants, including the need for air, water, light, heat, nutrients, and space, and identify environmental conditions that may threaten plant survival
Digital Resources
• Lesson 01 – What Do Plants Need?
• Lesson 12 – A Plant That Eats Insects
Printable Worksheets
B2.2 identify different parts of plants, including the root, stem, flower, stamen, pistil, leaf, seed, cone, and fruit, and describe how each part contributes to plants’ survival within their environment
Digital Resources
• Lesson 02 – Parts of a Plant
• Lesson 03 – Parts of a Flower
Printable Worksheets
B2.3 describe changes that different plants undergo in their life cycles
Digital Resources
• Lesson 04 – Life Cycle of a Plant
• Lesson 11 – Deciduous and Coniferous Trees
Printable Worksheets
B2.4 describe ways in which a variety of plants adapt and/or react to their environment and to changes in their environment
B2.5 demonstrate an understanding that most plants get energy directly from the Sun through the process of photosynthesis, which involves the absorption of carbon dioxide and the release of oxygen
B2.6 describe ways in which people, including Indigenous peoples, from various cultures around the world use plants for food, shelter, medicine, and clothing
Digital Resources
• Lesson 08 – Growing Plants for Food
• Lesson 09 – How Does a Greenhouse Work?
Printable Worksheets
B2.7 describe various plants used for food, including those grown by First Nations, Métis, and Inuit, and identify local settings where these plants are grown or found
B2.8 describe ways in which plants and animals, including humans, depend on each other
3.C Matter and Energy – Forces and Motion
C1. Relating Science and Technology to Our Changing World
C1.1 assess the effects of the action of forces from natural phenomena on natural and built environments, and identify ways in which human activities can reduce or enhance these effects
C1.2 assess harmful effects of forces that may result from various human activities, and describe how health and safety devices can minimize these effects
C2. Exploring and Understanding Concepts
C2.1 describe different types of contact forces and non-contact forces
Digital Resources
• Lesson 07 – Contact and Non-Contact Forces
Printable Worksheets
C2.2 describe different ways a force can be exerted on an object
C2.3 describe how different forces applied to an object, including forces of varying magnitude, can cause the object to start, stop, or change its direction, speed, or shape
C2.4 identify ways in which forces are used in their daily lives
Digital Resources
• Lesson 02 – The Force of Gravity
• Lesson 03 – The Force of Magnets
• Lesson 04 – The Force of Friction
• Lesson 05 – How Friction Helps Us
Printable Worksheets
3.D Structures and Mechanisms – Strong and Stable Structures
D1. Relating Science and Technology to Our Changing World
D1.1 assess effects on society and the environment of strong and stable structures
D1.2 assess the environmental impact of structures built by various animals, including structures built by humans
D2. Exploring and Understanding Concepts
D2.1 describe a structure as a supporting framework that holds a load and has a definite size, shape, and function, and identify structures in the natural environment and in the built environment
Digital Resources
• Lesson 01 – What Is a Structure?
• Lesson 02 – Natural Structures
• Lesson 03 – Unusual Bird Homes
• Lesson 11 – Condo Buildings and Apartment Buildings
• Lesson 13 – The Eiffel Tower
• Lesson 14 – Pyramids of Ancient Egypt
Printable Worksheets
D2.2 demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between form and function for various structures
D2.3 identify the strength of a structure as its ability to support a load and describe ways to increase the strength of structures, including ways to increase the strength of different materials used to build them
D2.4 describe the stability of a structure as its ability to keep its shape, maintain balance, float, and/or stay fixed in one spot when a force is applied to the structure, and describe ways to improve a structure’s stability
Digital Resources
• Lesson 04 – Strength and Stability
• Lesson 08 – Centre of Gravity in Structures
Printable Worksheets
• Centre of Gravity in Structures
D2.5 identify properties of materials that need to be considered when building structures
D2.6 describe ways in which different forces can affect the shape, balance, or position of structures
D2.7 explain the role of struts and ties in structures under load
3.E Earth and Space Systems – Soils in the Environment
E1. Relating Science and Technology to Our Changing World
E1.1 assess the importance of soils for society and the environment
E1.2 assess the impact of human activity on soils, and describe ways in which humans can improve the quality of soils and/or lessen or prevent harmful effects on soils
E2. Exploring and Understanding Concepts
E2.1 identify the living and non-living components of soil, and describe the characteristics of healthy soil
Digital Resources
• Lesson 02 – What Is Soil Made Of?
• Lesson 04 – Air and Water in Soil
• Lesson 06 – Air and Water for Plant Roots
• Lesson 07 – Nutrients in Soil
Printable Worksheets
• Air and Water for Plant Roots
E2.2 identify different substances that are commonly added to, or absorbed by, the soil, and describe their effects on soil health
E2.3 examine different types of soils found in Ontario, and describe how different soils are suited to growing different types of food, including crops
E2.4 explain the process of erosion, including its causes and its impact on soils
E2.5 identify various strategies used to maintain and improve soil health in Ontario
E2.6 describe the process of composting, and explain some benefits of composting
Digital Resources
• Lesson 09 – Wonderful Worms!
• Lesson 10 – How Nature Recycles