

Skills available for Ontario Grade 1 Math Curriculum (2020)

Expectations are in black and skills are in blue.  Click on the name of the skill to practice that skill.

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1.B Number

1.B1 Number Sense

Whole Numbers
1.B1.1 read and represent whole numbers up to and including 50, and describe various ways they are used in everyday life
1.B1.2 compose and decompose whole numbers up to and including 50, using a variety of tools and strategies, in various contexts
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Tens and Ones to 50

Groups of Ten

1.B1.3 compare and order whole numbers up to and including 50, in various contexts
1.B1.4 estimate the number of objects in collections of up to 50, and verify their estimates by counting
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• Estimating and Counting

1.B1.5 count to 50 by 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s, using a variety of tools and strategies
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• Counting Forward to 50

• Counting Backward from 50

• Counting by 2s to 100

• Counting by 5s to 100

1.B1.6 use drawings to represent and solve fair-share problems that involve 2 and 4 sharers, respectively, and have remainders of 1 or 2
1.B1.7 recognize that one half and two fourths of the same whole are equal, in fair-sharing contexts
1.B1.8 use drawings to compare and order unit fractions representing the individual portions that result when a whole is shared by different numbers of sharers, up to a maximum of 10
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•  Exploring Fractions

•  More Fractions

•  Naming the Fraction

•  Fractions: Equal Parts

1.B2 Operations

Properties and Relationships
1.B2.1 use the properties of addition and subtraction, and the relationship between addition and subtraction, to solve problems and check calculations
Math Facts
1.B2.2 recall and demonstrate addition facts for numbers up to 10, and related subtraction facts
Mental Math
1.B2.3 use mental math strategies, including estimation, to add and subtract whole numbers that add up to no more than 20, and explain the strategies used
Addition and Subtraction
1.B2.4 use objects, diagrams, and equations to represent, describe, and solve situations involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers that add up to no more than 50
Multiplication and Divsion
1.B2.5 represent and solve equal-group problems where the total number of items is no more than 10, including problems in which each group is a half, using tools and drawings
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Exploring Equal Groups – Activity 1

Exploring Equal Groups – Activity 2

1.C Algebra

1.C1 Patterns and Relationships

C1.1 identify and describe the regularities in a variety of patterns, including patterns found in real-life contexts
C1.2 create and translate patterns using movements, sounds, objects, shapes, letters, and numbers
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Create a Pattern

Create a Pattern Rule

Using Letters to Name Patterns

C1.3 determine pattern rules and use them to extend patterns, make and justify predictions, and identify missing elements in patterns
C1.4 create and describe patterns to illustrate relationships among whole numbers up to 50
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Extend the Repeating Number Pattern

Extend the Number Pattern

1.C2 Equations and Inequalities

C2.1 identify quantities that can change and quantities that always remain the same in real-life contexts
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More and Fewer Objects

Equalities and Inequalities
C2.2 determine whether given pairs of addition and subtraction expressions are equivalent or not
C2.3 identify and use equivalent relationships for whole numbers up to 50, in various contexts

1.C3 Coding

Coding Skills
C3.1 solve problems and create computational representations of mathematical situations by writing and executing code, including code that involves sequential events
C3.2 read and alter existing code, including code that involves sequential events, and describe how changes to the code affect the outcomes
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Alter the Code – G1 Set 1

Alter the Code – G1 Set 2

Alter the Code – G1 Set 3

1.D Data

1.D1 Data Literacy

Data Collection and Organization
D1.1 sort sets of data about people or things according to one attribute, and describe rules used for sorting
D1.2 collect data through observations, experiments, and interviews to answer questions of interest that focus on a single piece of information; record the data using methods of their choice; and organize the data in tally tables
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Collecting Data

Reading Venn Diagrams

Exploring Bar Graphs

Data Visualization
D1.3 display sets of data, using one-to-one correspondence, in concrete graphs and pictographs with proper sources, titles, and labels
Data Analysis
D1.4 order categories of data from greatest to least frequency for various data sets displayed in tally tables, concrete graphs, and pictographs
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Ordering Objects

D1.5 analyse different sets of data presented in various ways, including in tally tables, concrete graphs, and pictographs, by asking and answering questions about the data and drawing conclusions, then make convincing arguments and informed decisions

1.D2 Probability

D2.1 use mathematical language, including the terms “impossible”, “possible”, and “certain”, to describe the likelihood of events happening, and use that likelihood to make predictions and informed decisions
D2.2 make and test predictions about the likelihood that the categories in a data set from one population will have the same frequencies in data collected from a different population of the same size
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Thinking About Likelihood

1.E Spatial Sense

1.E1 Geometric and Spatial Reasoning

Geometric Reasoning
E1.1 sort three-dimensional objects and two-dimensional shapes according to one attribute at a time, and identify the sorting rule being used
E1.2 construct three-dimensional objects, and identify two-dimensional shapes contained within structures and objects
E1.3 construct and describe two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects that have matching halves
Location and Movement
E1.4 describe the relative locations of objects or people, using positional language
E1.5 give and follow directions for moving from one location to another

5.E2 Measurement

E2.1 identify measurable attributes of two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects, including length, area, mass, capacity, and angle
E2.2 compare several everyday objects and order them according to length, area, mass, and capacity
E2.3 read the date on a calendar, and use a calendar to identify days, weeks, months, holidays, and seasons

1.F Financial Literacy

1.F1 Money and Finances

Money Concepts
F1.1 identify the various Canadian coins up to 50¢ and coins and bills up to $50, and compare their values