

Activities for Ontario Grade 1 Science Curriculum (2022)

Expectations are in black and skills are in blue.  Click on the name of the skill to practice that skill.

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1.B Life Systems – Needs and Characteristics of Living Things

Digital Resources

• Lesson 10 – People Can Harm Living Things

Printable Worksheets

• People Can Harm Living Things

B1.2 identify actions that can be taken to contribute to a healthy environment
Digital Resources

• Lesson 09 – A Healthy Environment

Printable Worksheets

• A Healthy Environment

B2. Exploring and Understanding Concepts

Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets

• Animals Live in Different Places

B2.2 identify the basic needs of living things, including the need for air, water, food, heat, shelter, and space
B2.3 identify the physical characteristics of various plants and animals, including humans, and explain how these characteristics help the plants and animals meet their basic needs
B2.4 identify the location and the function of various parts of the human body, including sensory organs
B2.5 describe the characteristics of a healthy environment, including clean air and water and nutritious food, and how a healthy environment enables living things to meet their needs
B2.6 describe ways in which living things provide for the needs of other living things
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets

• Taking Care of Living Things

1.C Matter and Energy – Energy in Our Lives

C1.2 describe how the lives of people and other living things would be affected if electrical energy were no longer available
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets

• What Would You Do?

C2. Exploring and Understanding Concepts

C2.2 demonstrate an understanding that the Sun is Earth’s principal source of energy, including how it warms the air, land, and water; is a source of light for Earth; and makes it possible for plants to grow
C2.3 identify food as a source of energy for living things
Digital Resources

• Lesson 06 – We Get Energy From Food

Printable Worksheets

• We Get Energy From Food

• Energy From Foods

C2.4 identify everyday uses of various sources of energy
Digital Resources

• Lesson 08 – Energy at Work

Printable Worksheets

• Energy at Work

C2.5 demonstrate an understanding that humans get the energy resources they need from the world around them, and that the supply of many of these resources is limited
C2.6 describe seasonal differences in how we use energy and in the forms of energy we use

1.D Structures and Mechanisms – Everyday Materials, Objects, and Structures

Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets

• How to Reduce Waste

D1.2 assess everyday objects, including structures, that have similar purposes, in terms of the materials they are made from, the source of these materials, and what happens to these objects when they are worn out or no longer needed
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets

• Chairs Made from Different Materials

D2. Exploring and Understanding Concepts

D2.2 identify structures that are objects designed to support a load, including those acting as supporting frameworks for objects
D2.3 identify materials that are used to make various everyday objects, including structures
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets

• Activity: Build a Structure

• Materials Search

D2.4 describe observable characteristics of various everyday objects, including structures, using qualitative information gathered through their senses
D2.5 describe purposes of everyday objects, including structures
Digital Resources

• Lesson 07 – Tools for Cutting

Printable Worksheets

• Tools for Cutting

D2.6 identify properties of materials that enable the objects made from them to perform their intended function
D2.7 identify different kinds of fasteners and describe uses for each
Digital Resources

• Lesson 06 – Fasteners

Printable Worksheets

• Fasteners

D2.8 identify sources in nature of some common materials that are used to make various objects, including structures

1.E Earth and Space Systems – Daily and Seasonal Changes

Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets

• What Is It Like Outside?

E1.2 assess ways in which daily and seasonal changes have an impact on society, the environment, and living things in the natural environment
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets

E2. Exploring and Understanding Concepts

Digital Resources

• Lesson 01 – Day and Night

Printable Worksheets

• Day and Night

E2.2 demonstrate an understanding that a cycle is a series of repeating events, and that cycles can be observed in daily and seasonal changes
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets

• Types of Cycles

E2.3 describe the changes in the amount of light and heat from the Sun that occur throughout the day and in the four seasons
E2.4 describe and compare the four seasons in terms of the weather, including precipitation and temperature, in their local area
E2.5 describe changes in the appearance or behaviour of living things that are adaptations to seasonal changes
E2.6 describe how humans prepare for, and respond to, daily and seasonal changes