British Columbia


Skills available for British Columbia Grade 1 Math Curriculum

Expectations are in black and skills are in blue.  Click on the name of the skill to practice that skill.

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Numbers to 20 represent quantities that can be decomposed into 10s and 1s.


base 10
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets

• Number Word Search

• Using Ten Frames to Count to 10

counting and skip-counting by 2 and 5
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets

• Counting Forward to 50

• Counting Backward from 50

• Counting by 2s to 100

• Counting by 5s to 100

comparing and ordering numbers to 20
numbers to 20 can be arranged and recognized
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets

•  Tens and Ones to 50

Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets

• Estimating and Counting


decomposing 10 into parts
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets

•  Tens and Ones to 50

numbers to 10 can be arranged and recognized
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets
benchmarks of 10 and 20
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets
Traditional First Peoples counting methods involved using fingers to count to 5 and for groups of 5.
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets
traditional songs/singing and stories
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets

Addition and subtraction with numbers to 10 can be modelled concretely, pictorially, and symbolically to develop computational fluency.

addition and subtraction to 20 (understanding of operation and process)

decomposing 20 into parts
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets
mental math strategies
addition and subtraction are related
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets

• Addition – Sums to 10

• Subtracting Numbers from 0 to 10

whole-class number talks
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets

Repeating elements in patterns can be identified.


identifying sorting rules
repeating patterns with multiple elements/attributes
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets
translating patterns from one representation to another (e.g., an orange-blue pattern could be translated to a circle-square pattern)
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets

• Create a Pattern

• Create a Pattern Rule

letter coding of pattern
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets
predicting an element in repeating patterns using a variety of strategies
patterns using visuals (ten‐frames, hundred charts)
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets

• Extend the Repeating Number Pattern

• Extend the Number Pattern

investigating numerical patterns (e.g., skip-counting by 2s or 5s on a hundred chart)
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets

• Extend the Repeating Number Pattern

• Extend the Number Pattern

beading using 3–5 colours

change in quantity to 20, concretely and verbally

verbally describing a change in quantity (e.g., I can build 7 and make it 10 by adding 3)

meaning of equality and inequality

demonstrating and explaining the meaning of equality and inequality
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets

• More and Fewer Objects

recording equations symbolically, using = and ≠

Objects and shapes have attributes that can be described, measured, and compared.

direct measurement with non-standard units (non-uniform and uniform)

Non‐uniform units are not consistent in size (e.g., children’s hands, pencils); uniform units are consistent in size
understanding the importance of using a baseline for direct comparison in linear measurement
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets
iterating a single unit for measuring (e.g., to measure the length of a string with only one cube, a student iterates the cube over and over, keeping track of how many cubes long the string is)
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets
tiling an area
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets
using body parts to measure
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets

comparison of 2D shapes and 3D objects

sorting 3D objects and 2D shapes using one attribute, and explaining the sorting rule
Digital Resources

• Sorting 2D Shapes

• Sorting 3D Objects

Printable Worksheets

• Exploring 3D Figures

• Sorting 3D Figures

• Colouring 2D Shapes

• Sorting 2D Shapes

comparing 2D shapes and 3D objects in the environment
Digital Resources

• 2D Shapes within 3D Objects

Printable Worksheets

• Shapes All Around Us!

• Take a 2D Shape Walk

describing relative positions, using positional language
replicating composite 2D shapes and 3D objects (e.g., putting two triangles together to make a square)
Digital Resources

• Symmetry in Shapes

Printable Worksheets

Concrete graphs help us to compare and interpret data and show one-to-one correspondence.

concrete graphs, using one-to-one correspondence

creating, describing, and comparing concrete graphs

likelihood of familiar life events, using comparative language

using the language of probability (e.g., never, sometimes, always, more likely, less likely)
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets

• Exploring Probability – Activity 1

• Exploring Probability – Activity 2

cycles (Elder or knowledge keeper to speak about ceremonies and life events)

Financial literacy — values of coins, and monetary exchanges.

identifying values of coins
Digital Resources

• Recognizing Canadian Coins

• Comparing Canadian Coins

• Recognizing Canadian Bills

Printable Worksheets

• Canadian Coins

• Canadian Bills

counting multiples of the same denomination (nickels, dimes, loonies, and toonies)
Digital Resources

• Adding Canadian Coins

• Adding Canadian Bills

Printable Worksheets

• Counting Nickels

• Counting Dimes

money is a medium of exchange
role-playing financial transactions (e.g., using coins and whole numbers), integrating the concept of wants and needs
trade games, with understanding that objects have variable value or worth (shells, beads, furs, tools)