British Columbia


Skills available for British Columbia Grade 3 Math Curriculum

Expectations are in black and skills are in blue.  Click on the name of the skill to practice that skill.

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Fractions are a type of number that can represent quantities.


Digital Resources

• Skip Counting

Printable Worksheets

• Counting Backward Practice

• Counting Forward Practice

• Exploring Numbers

• Skip Counting

• Counting by 3s

• Counting by 4s

• Counting by 5s and 25s

• Counting by 10s

• Counting by 100s

• Counting Back by 5s

• Counting by 25s to 1000

numbers to 1000 can be arranged and recognized
place value

fraction concepts

fractions are numbers that represent an amount or quantity
fractions can represent parts of a region, set, or linear model
fraction parts are equal shares or equal-sized portions of a whole or unit
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets

• Fractions Show Equal Parts

• Exploring Fractions – Set 1

• Exploring Fractions – Set 2

• Exploring Fractions – Set 3

• Exploring Fraction Bars

• Fraction Word Problems

• Fractions as Part of a Group

• Fraction Problems

recording pictorial representations of fraction models and connecting to symbolic notation
equal partitioning
equal sharing, pole ratios as visual parts, medicine wheel, seasons
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets

• Exploring Equivalent Fractions

• Writing Equivalent Fractions

• Equal Parts

Development of computational fluency in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers requires flexible decomposing and composing.

addition and subtraction to 1000

using flexible computation strategies, involving taking apart and combining numbers in a variety of ways, regrouping
Digital Resources

• Addition Fact Practice

• Subtraction Fact Practice

Printable Worksheets

• Missing Numbers

• Subtraction Facts from 0 to 20

estimating sums and differences of all operations to 1000
using addition and subtraction in real-life contexts and problem-based situations
whole-class number talks

addition and subtraction facts to 20 (emerging computational fluency)

adding and subtracting of numbers to 20
demonstrating fluency with math strategies for addition and subtraction (e.g., decomposing, making and bridging 10, related doubles, and commutative property)
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets

• Addition Strategies

• Subtraction Strategies

Addition and subtraction are related.

multiplication and division concepts

understanding concepts of multiplication (e.g., groups of, arrays, repeated addition)
understanding concepts of division (e.g., sharing, grouping, repeated subtraction)
Digital Resources

• Division Fact Practice

Printable Worksheets

• Divide by 1, 2, and 3

• Divide by 4, 5, and 6

• Divide by 7, 8, and 9

• Divide by 10

Multiplication and division are related.
Provide opportunities for concrete and pictorial representations of multiplication.
Use games to develop opportunities for authentic practice of multiplication computations.
looking for patterns in numbers, such as in a hundred chart, to further develop understanding of multiplication computation
Connect multiplication to skip-counting.
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets

• Multiplying by Skip Counting

Connect multiplication to division and repeated addition.
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets

• Using Doubles to Multiply

• Addition and Multiplication

Regular increases and decreases in patterns can be identified and used to make generalizations.

increasing and decreasing patterns

creating patterns using concrete, pictorial, and numerical representations
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets

• Exploring Patterns

• Exploring Pattern Attributes – Set 2

representing increasing and decreasing patterns in multiple ways
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets

• Exploring Increasing Number Patterns

• Exploring Decreasing Number Patterns

generalizing what makes the pattern increase or decrease (e.g., doubling, adding 2)

pattern rules using words and numbers, based on concrete experiences

from a concrete pattern, describing the pattern rule using words and numbers
predictability in song rhythm and patterns
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets

• Exploring Pattern Attributes

Share examples of local First Peoples art with the class, and ask students to notice patterns in the artwork.

one-step addition and subtraction equations with an unknown number

start unknown
change unknown
result unknown
investigating even and odd numbers
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets

• Odd and Even Numbers

• Number Fact Families

Standard units are used to describe, measure, and compare attributes of objects’ shapes.

measurement, using standard units (linear, mass, and capacity)

linear measurements, using standard units (e.g., centimetre, metre, kilometre)
capacity measurements, using standard units (e.g., millilitre, litre)
Digital Resources

• Comparing Capacity

Printable Worksheets

• Exploring Capacity

• Exploring Mass and Capacity

Introduce concepts of perimeter, area, and circumference (the distance around); use of formula and pi to calculate not intended — the focus is on the concepts.
area measurement, using square units (standard and non-standard)
mass measurements, using standard units (e.g., gram, kilogram)
Digital Resources

• Comparing Mass

Printable Worksheets

• Exploring Mass and Capacity

• Exploring Mass

estimation of measurements, using standard referents (e.g., If this cup holds 100 millilitres, about how much does this jug hold?)
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets

• Exploring Mass and Capacity

time concepts

understanding concepts of time (e.g., second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year)
Digital Resources

• Reading Digital Clocks

Printable Worksheets

• Telling Time on a Digital Clock

• Writing Time on a Digital Clock

• Exploring Calendars

• Exploring Units of Time

• What Time Is It?

• Using a Schedule

• Telling Time – Drawing the Hands

• Elapsed Time

• Basketball Fun

understanding the relationships between units of time
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets

• Exploring Elapsed Time

• Measuring the Passage of Time

construction of 3D objects

identifying 3D objects according to the 2D shapes of the faces and the number of edges and vertices (e.g., construction of nets, skeletons)
Digital Resources

• 2D Shapes in 3D Objects

Printable Worksheets

• Matching Three-Dimensional Objects

• Matching Nets

• 3D Objects

describing the attributes of 3D objects (e.g., faces, edges, vertices)
identifying 3D objects by their mathematical terms (e.g., sphere, cube, prism, cone, cylinder)
Digital Resources

• 3D Objects

Printable Worksheets

• Exploring 3D Figures

• Sorting 3D Figures

• Identifying 3D Objects

comparing 3D objects (e.g., How are rectangular prisms and cubes the same or different?)
Digital Resources

• 3D Objects

Printable Worksheets

• Sorting 3D Figures

understanding the preservation of shape (e.g., the orientation of a shape will not change its properties)

The likelihood of possible outcomes can be examined, compared, and interpreted.

one-to-one correspondence with bar graphs, pictographs, charts, and tables

collecting data, creating a graph, and describing, comparing, and discussing the results
choosing a suitable representation

likelihood of simulated events, using comparative language

using comparative language (e.g., certain, uncertain; more, less, or equally likely)
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets

• What Is the Probability?

developing an understanding of chance (e.g., tossing a coin creates a 50-50 chance of landing a head or tail; drawing from a bag, using spinners, and rolling dice all simulate probability events)

Financial literacy — fluency with coins and bills to 100 dollars, and earning and payment

counting mixed combinations of coins and bills up to $100
understanding that payments can be made in flexible ways
Digital Resources
Printable Worksheets

• Lunch Time

• At the Snack Bar

• Grocery Shopping

• At the School Cafeteria – Set 1

• At the School Cafeteria – Set 2

• At the School Cafeteria – Set 3

understanding that there are different ways of earning money to reach a financial goal
Using pictures of First Peoples trade items with the values indicated on the back, have students play a trading game.